The first day at Whistler. What a place this is! Nothing at all like the lift access in SoCal. The trails are groomed and designed specifically for biking, what a day of riding!
The rain stayed steady throught the day, and when wet riding the lift it is certainly chilly. The first ride of the day we found a trail with Whistlers trademark wooden bridges and decided to test our skills. Though a bit challenging at first, we quickly got used to the height and narrow path of the structures. We were in disbelief over the lack of attendence on the trail. As our confidence peaked, Phil and I both slipped off our bikes on a sketchy slippery section. We were both OK from minor falls but it got me thinking. Thinking about how I havent really ridden in the rain before. Thinking how I'm not used to bridges, and this tacky dirt. How I completely failed to pack any rain or cold weather gear as I freeze my ass off. Funny though how you forget about that when you're riding.
In all, the day was a blast. After the ride back at the hotel we hosed off our bikes, and ourselves. The soaking of our gear needed to be corrected somehow, so I put everything in the drier here at our hotel. Maybe Canadian driers are sturdier than American, but my gear (shoes, shinguards, pads) made so much noise in that machine I thought that it was going to set off an alarm. No problems, it all finished dry as a bone!
Well be up early checking out our bikes tomorrow. It really not well know to use what damage all this wet and muddy riding will do to our new downhill bikes.
1 comment:
Wiked pissah awesome!!!!
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